Thursday, January 6, 2011

Question D

I feel as though the experiment at Stanford shows us how racism is allowed to thrive. The experimental prison guard said that even when he was doing sadistic things others would follow him and he was fascinated by this. He had established his power by being mean and unjust to the experimental prisoners and getting the rest of the guards to follow him. To me this is reminiscent of racism because the individuals with power have always been the white people and behind that power is a privilege that many white people do not even recognize or choose to ignore. This is to say that white people have not faced as many road blocks as people of color. That was reflected in the Driving While Black video, which I see as a sort of metaphor for the history of the United States in regard to race relations.  The privilege that comes with having white skin is power. Its the power to drive down any street I want in any neighborhood I want without even thinking about it or being nervous. Its the power to walk into a club and swim as much as I please without people pulling their kids out of the pool or holding on to their belongings. Like in Kiri Davis's: A Girl Like Me, its not being seen as loud and obnoxious. I will say that the video about the kids being kicked out of the pool made me tear up when I saw the boy crying. When I see things like that I get a bit emotional. Anyway, I can relate pretty much everything back to professor Harrison's demonstration of equality because it is so true. We don't need a power shift, we need a balance and something has to give. As Professor Harrison said those at the top need to give a little. Education and acknowledgement are the most important pieces.

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